Authentic Tempura Recipe

Zuccini Flowers

Say it with flowers.

I remember there was one time as a teenager when my youngest sister told me, that If my boyfriend would not offer me flowers he doesn't really love me. I know it sounded irrational but you know she's just being romantic. :-)

Flowers have long signified love, compassion, flirt (?) and admiration in our society. Their colors and beauty have awed almost all walks of life. But recently they have been creating delicious waves in our palate too. From vibrant Pansy flowers to immaculate Jasmin have not escaped the ingeniousness of our notorious chefs around the globe. In France alone, the blooming flower consumption have paved way to organized gastronomic promenade in the forest providing crash courses on comestible flowers in the nature. This naturally ends up in the kitchen where a cooking class awaits the participants.

I must admit that everytime I am in the market I am always tempted to savor these colorful petals but their lavish prices hinders me from doing. Naturally only this time I opted to settle for these delicious zuccini flowers that fits more my budget. Next time you'll have a bouquet of flowers think twice if you'll put them on your vase or on your plate.

Zuccini flower Tempura

Tempura batter:
(I got this recipe from my Japanese foster Mom in Osaka)

This is a standard recipe you can use for any type of tempura you want

The rule: Egg + Ice Water : Flour = 1 is to 1

The quantity of beaten egg and ice water should be equal to your flour. Mix the eggs with your ice water. Mix well. Add the sifted flour all at one time. Dont stir too much, the batter should be thin and lumpy to be sure your tempura is crispy. Add ice cubes. You can divide it into three portions and keep them in the fridge to prevent them from becoming sticky.

I'll be sending this recipe to Kelly our host for this week's Weekend Herb Blogging, that lovely event created by Kalyn. (I just got a message that this week's WHB was cancelled by Kalyn due tothe death of one of our friend in the blogging world Sher of What did you eat?).
