Homemade Burger Buns

Home-made Burger buns

Yay, Its Wednesday again! Time for my Wordless Home-made Recipes although this time it won't be wordless.

Food sometimes intertwined with memories.

You open a box of chocolate it reminds you of your first kiss. You pour a glass of wine it recalls your first date. Savor your gelato and you’ll remember your last vacation to Italy. Food awakens our senses, comforts it, heals and nourishes it.

As my teeth greedily touch my burger last night, I couldn’t help but reminisce my first misfortunate encounter with this sandwich. You know, when we were kids my dad made a pact to bring each one of us every day of his payday to eat any food that we want. Let’s call this a father and daughter food tripping. His salary wasn’t enough to bring the three of us together so we really need to take turns. When it was my turn I thought so hard what I wanted and so I decided that day I wanted to have my favorite soft ice-cream. I don’t know what happened that day, but probably all my guardian angels were sleeping. That day there was a nationwide power interruption in Manila. We walked for hours desperately trying to find an ice-cream house that has generator. But it was in vain. Before the sunset, our feet and body ceded the crusade. I was crying on our way back home. My dad insisted that I choose another food that I would want to replace the ice-cream with. I was really stubborn on having ice-cream but as we passed by a small makeshift “cheapish” hamburger stall, my hungry stomach did not resist to its calling. It was so good from the first bite and the second one. And as I put the last bite of this burger the electricity went back.

Home-made Burger buns
for about 4 big buns or 8 mini-buns

350 g of flour (about 3 1/2 cup)
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 teasepoon of salt
5 cl of warm water
10 cl of milk
1 tablespoon of dry intstant yeast (about 10 g)
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (I used colza oil)
some sesame seeds
1 egg for brushing the surface

Start by dissolving the yeast in the warm water. Let this mixture stand for about ten minutes. Then on your working table put your flour and make a small well put your milk, salt, sugar and add your dissolved yeast. Mix with your hands gently until its well mixed. Add your oil and continue working the dough. Knead the dough for about ten minutes until it becomes elastic and doesnt stick to your hand. Do not forget to put flower on your hands and on the table to help you kneading the dough. It is advisable to weigh your dough, in that case you will have even sizes for your buns. Cut the dough depending on the number of buns you want and size. Shape them like a buns by getting sides of the dough and tucking it under. Let this dough rise for about an hour and half. Cover them with a towel. Before baking brush them with egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds on the top. Bake them at 200° celsius for about 15-20 minutes for the big ones and about ten minutes for the small one. Cool them in rack.

My other home-made recipes:

Home-made Apricot Cinnamon Jam
Home-Made Croissant
Home-made Yogurt
Home-made Walnut Wine
