Chorizo, Cumin & Curry Bread

Chorizo, Cumin & Curry Bread

What's BUGging your mind lately?

The past few days there's something bogging my head and probably you can help me out. Well let me tell you from the start. When I went to the kitchen the other day and opened the cupboard I was literally received by a dozen squirming food bugs. Startled and disturbed by my presence, they flew in all direction giving a small spectacle on the curious eyes of my daughter and a horrified me. Naturally my daughter was so happy even shouting and clapping her hands. While I was desperately shooing them away towards the window and shouting "Cassez vous" (eng. translation: get the hell out of here!!). After that incident I cleaned the cupboard and dump every possible nesting place they could be hiding. My hubby advised me to put some fresh branch of bay leaves to drive them away.

With this agenda in my mind, I went immediately to my in-laws' garden to gather some branches. In the garden however, my attention was caught by the beautiful yellow blossoms of a mysterious plant. My mom in law told me that they are curry plant. I gathered some and went back home to bake this chorizo bread in the following hours. The bread was really delicious and the curry flavor perfumed my food bug infested kitchen.

The bread was delicious but the food bugs were still there. Any suggestions? :-)

I'll be sending this bread to Ruth for her weekly round-ups of Bookmarked Recipes.

Pretty aren't they?

Chorizo Cumin & Curry Bread
taken from 30 Bread Recipes by Lisa Mazieres

1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 tsp of fresh curry leaves 150 g of sliced chorizo 3 tablespoons of olive oil 350 g of flour 1 tablespoon of instant dry yeast 1 glass of milk 5 g of salt

On your working table, put the flour and make a small well in the middle. Add little by little the milk and the yeast. Mix them gently with your hand until it becomes homogenous. Add the salt and olive oil. Knead the dough for about ten minutes or until it becomes smooth and elastic. Continue kneading but this time try to add little by little your chorizo, cumin seeds and curry leaves. Make a small ball and let it rise on a bowl covered for an hour. After an hour dust your table with flour and work on the dough and shape the bread of your desired shape and size. Let it rise again for about two hours. Spray the surface with water. You can add some cumin seeds and curry leaves on the top. Preheat the oven for fifteen minutes at 210° celsius. Bake the bread for ten minutes at 210° celsius then another 20 minutes at 180° celsius. Bake the bread with a ramekin filled with water inside.

Here are my other bread recipes:

French bread (Baguette)
Caramelized onion and roasted tomato Foccacia
Mini Flute Bread with Cumin, Sesame and Poppy seeds
