Pannettone Pudding with Cream Anglaise and walnut brittle

Pannetone Pudding in Cream Anglaise

The Great British Pudding Challenge is one of those yummy food event that I have been drooling to participate. This food event was spearheaded by Rosie (one of my baking inspirations) of Rosie Bakes a Peace of Cake. I am not sure if I am too early or too late to publish this. But this was supposedly my entry for the month of April but I had some family issues that I attended to (you know about this anyway). Since I am so busy today and I find it too bad that this recipe is stuck for weeks in my computer, I thought it would be generous to share it :-). So for all pudding lovers out there this one is for you.

Have a nice weekend everybody.

Pannetone Pudding in Creme Anglaise

500 g of pannetone, 50 g of butter, 875 ml of wam milk, 1 tsp of vanilla essence, 4 eggs, 220 g of sugar, 110 g of walnuts chopped, 2 tbsp of water

Start by cutting the pannetone in cubes of about two cm thickness (you can also use brioche for this recipe). Butter the ramekin and fill each with the cut pannetone. Put the vanilla essence on the warm milk and let it boil slowly in a casserole. In another bowl cbeat the eggs with 110 g of sugar until the mixture becomes creamy. Add then the milk. Continue beating the mixture and put little by little the milk. Put back all the mixture in the casserole and let it thicken a little bit over medium fire. Pour this sauce over the ramekin with pannetone and bake for about 20-30 minutes at 160° until it caramelises on the top. While waiting prepare the walnut brittle. In a casserole cook the rest of sugar mixed with water. Wait until it changed color and thickens a little bit. Pour over this caramel on the walnuts spread over a flat dish. Once the caramel has thickened crack them over and put them on the pudding. You can powder the top with icing sugar.

Waiting to be cracked...
