Chocolate Rolled Brioche and I am campaigning for me

Let's Rock n Roll, Chocolate ROLLed Brioche

Have you ever have that feeling you are jinxed.

Well you know I was born with a birthmark “balat” on my right leg (it’s actually hidden) and growing up I always hear people say it is unlucky to have one. When I was in grade school if it rains on a special occasion or if we would lose in school competition they would try to ask who has a birthmark and blame the circumstance on her or him. I have never been persecuted because I never told them I have one. I succeeded in hiding it among my friends until university days in our swimming class. But I am already a grown up and it’s easier to defend myself. Of course I never believed in that. Although sometimes I doubt if it’s really true.

Well you see, it’s been a year I needed to have my French documents translated in English to regain back my Filipino nationality. I asked a friend (another blogger who has gone through already to this) if we could meet up at her place so she could accompany me in advancing on this matter We are suppose to do it two weeks ago but every time something comes up. Last week the weather was so bad that I couldn’t bring my daughter with me since there was nobody to take care of her. So I ended up in canceling my rendezvous with her. When I called her last Monday, I told her nothing can stop me from coming today for this purpose. My daughter will stay in his grandparents’ house so even if the weather isn’t good it won’t matter. She left me a message last Tuesday telling me there will be a big transportation strike in our area and it might be impossible for me to go out. Roads will be blocked and there might be some detours. I told her no problem I’ll just ask my husband to bring me to her house thinking that no detours and roadblocks can stop me from doing this today. Guess what happened? When hubby went home last night he told me I won’t believe what happened. Our gas tank was empty and there’s no gasoline station open due to transportation strike and road blocks. I just abandoned for today and console myself by eating this brioche.

Beets, basil & ricotta Candy Ravioli in Orange Sauce

By the way, remember my Candy ravioli entry to Italy Magazine for their story and pasta competition (Italy Food Lovers Event: Spring Pasta Competition), well it is already up and you can start voting now. If you love that story and recipe, please vote for me. Or if you just love me, please vote for me here. You can check out other recipes and vote on this link.

Chocolate Rolled Brioche

550 g of flour, 100 g of sugar, 3 eggs, 150 g of fresh cream, 125 g of butter, a pinch of salt, 125 g of chocolate or you can use Nutella (depends on how much you want to put), 20 g of dry yeast, some sugar and one egg yolk for the crust

Dissolve the yeast in a small cup with about 2 tablespoons of warm water. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg with sugar, fresh cream, flour and salt. Mix well. Add the dissolved yeast on the mixture and continue mixing. Let the dough rise covered with a wet towel for a night. The next day work on the dough as if you are working on a “pate feuillete”. Form a rectangle and put the butter inside then fold twice. Using a rolling pin flatten the dough and fold this time in three parts. Put the chocolate in the middle and roll the dough. Let the dough rise again for about three hours. Cook for thirty minutes at 150° Celsius. Brush the surface of the dough with egg yolk and sprinkle some sugar on the top.

My Nutella is trapped inside...
