Sauce Soubise

The sauce soubise or onion sauce is dedicated to the Marechal de France Charles de Rohan, Prince de Soubise who like a lot aristocrates of his time (XVIII's Century) was very interested in culinary arts. This classic French sauce is based on a bechamel in which is added an onion puree.
Recipe for 1/2 litre of finished sauce:
  • 250g (87/8 oz) onion.
  • 60g (41/2 tablespoons) butter.
  • 12g plain flour.
  • 21/2dl (1 cup) clear veal or chicken bouillon, or 21/2dl milk.
  • 2 tablespoons creme fraiche.
  • pinch nutmeg.
  • pinch caster sugar.
  • salt and pepper.


Peel and wash the onions. Slice them as finely as possible. If the onions are old, blanch them. Otherwise, put them in a thick bottom saucepan with 40g of butter and stew them gently (sweat off), covered, for 20-25 minutes (without coloring them).

When this is done, stir in the flour, allow to cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the bouillon or milk and add the seasoning. Bring gently to the boil while stiring constantly. Cover and let the sauce cook, at a very gentle simmer for at least 45 minutes. Stir from time to time.

Force the sauce through a chinois and put back on the heat. Then add the rest of the butter and the creme fraiche. Let the sauce cook for another 5 minutes. Check the seasoning.

Set aside in a bain-marie until serving time.

"Make [food] simple and let things taste of what they are."

Curnonsky (Maurice Edmond Sailland 1872-1956)

Suitable for pregnant women, lactose intolerant (if using the bouillon), Coeliacs replace the flour with rice four, nut free.
