Sauce Nantua

This is going to be my last sauce recipe for a little while. This classic French sauce took it's name from a small town in the Bugey region, just north-east of Lyon, in France that has been renown for its culinary tradition since the middle-ages.
Recipe for 1/5 litre of finished sauce:


Prepare 2 dl of basic bechamel sauce. Add the cooking liquid, cream and allow to reduce by a 1/3.

Take your pot of the heat and whisk in the crayfish butter and the brandy.

Strain the sauce trough a fine chinois. Season with the cayenne pepper and check the rest of seasoning.

(optional) Just before serving the sauce add the black truffle cut into a fine julienne.

"That fellow Béchameil has all the luck! I was serving breast of chicken á la crème more than 20 years before he was born, but I have never had the chance of giving my name to even the most modest sauce."
Duke of Escars, 17th century

Suitable for vegetarian, pregnant women. Contains gluten, dairies. Nut free.
