Sauce a la Diable

This recipe is one of the French classic sauce that is used to complement grilled poultry and deep fried, breaded meats. It is a sauce that is thicken with molecules. It is a sauce that should taste very zesty and peppery, with moderation now!. It has to justify its name: "a la diable" meaning devil's style.
Recipe for 6 people:
  • 25g finely chopped shallots.
  • 1 dl (1/2cup) dry white wine.
  • 1 dl (31/3 fl oz) white wine vinegar.
  • 21/2 dl of chicken or veal bouillon.
  • 15g plain flour.
  • 15g butter.
  • a spoonful of meat glaze.
  • 1 tablespoon chopped tarragon.
  • 1 tablespoon chopped chervil.
  • 1 tablespoon chopped flat parsley.
  • pinch of cayenne pepper.

In a saucepan, sweat off the shallot with a nob of butter for 5 minutes or so. Add the white wine and vinegar and allow to reduce by three-quarters.

In the mean time, prepare a brown roux with the flour and butter.

Add to the wine-vinegar reduction. Make sure that it is well diluted. Then add the bouillon, bring slowly, the sauce to the boil. Let simmering for 8 to 10 minutes. Skim the sauce from time to time.

At the last minute, add the meat glaze, the chopped herbs and a pinch of cayenne pepper. If the sauce is not to be used straight away, keep it in a bain-marie and just before serving it add the meat glaze, the herbs and cayenne pepper.

"It is illegal to give someone food in which has been found a dead mouse or weasel."

Ancient Irish law

Suitable for diabetics and pregnant women. Coeliacs can replace the roux with some brown rice flour.
