Allemande Sauce

This classic sauce, also known as "parisienne sauce", is used as a base for a number of classic "white dishes" such as chicken or veal blanquette, vol au vents and puff pastry based dishes.

This sauce is thickened with molecules as it is based on a white veal velouté enriched with egg yolks.

Recipe for 1 litre of finished sauce:
  • 1 lit (41/4 cups) veal velouté.
  • 1 dl (31/3 fl oz) mushroom cooking juice.
  • 5 egg yolks.
  • 1 pinch white pepper.
  • 1 pinch nutmeg.
  • 50g butter.

Pour the finished veal velouté into a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer.

In a bowl, mix the egg yolks and the mushroom cooking juice.

Off the heat, mix in the the egg yolk mixture into the velouté. Add the pepper and the nutmeg. Put this sauce back on the stove and bring to the boil and let it reduce until it reach its previous volume. keep stiring all along the reduction process.

Stir in the butter and check the seasoning.

Finally, strain the finished sauce through a chinois.

"Hunger is the best sauce in the world".

Contains flour, contains dairies.
