Last year on March 24...

Last year on March 24, I hit the "Publish" button of my very first post! My French Cuisine was born, with the sweet taste of a chocolate mousse. It took me 365 days to make another one and take a picture this time.

My first year of food blogging has been everything from fun to frustrating, from motivating (what a good excuse to try out new recipes,to spend the time to care about the details, and to try to make the dish look as nice as possible...) to discouraging (why work so hard on publishing recipes while there are so many wonderful blogs out there?). It has been rewarding many times (thank you all for your nice comments and emails!). And I guess overall it has been a very satisfying learning experience in many more ways that I could have imagined. The bottom line is that I feel like sticking around some more on the blogosphere. :-)

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog so far and that you'll come back often! "Your opinion is important to us" so don't hesitate to leave a comment any time.
