Apple - Rhubarb Preserves

I was wandering in the produce aisle of my favorite grocery store the other day when my eyes got caught by a bright pink bunch of rhubarb sticks, comfortably "seated" between other delicious yet not as visually attractive vegetables. I instantly had the illusion that the slightly acidic taste of this beautiful plant was arising in my mouth. I only had to think for an extra second to also "taste" the apples that would perfecly complement my next sweet-and-sour dessert. I picked a few branches of rhubarb, chose a few Cameo and Sundowner apples, and day-dreamed until I got home and could finally cook these fruits. I love the color transfer that gave the preserves their warm pinky touch!

Apple-Rhubarb Preserves

- 3 apples
- 4 rhubarb sticks
- 2 tablespoons (brown) sugar
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup water

1. Peel the rhubarb while cutting it in 1" or 2" chunks.
2. Peel and seed the apples. Cut them in 4 or 8 pieces.
3. Place the fruits in a pot. Sprinkle with sugar. Pour the water. Toss a little.
4. Slowly simmer for about 15-20 minutes, or until the fruits are soft but they sill hold their shape.
5. Serve warm or cold with a few madeleines or shortbreads, a scoop of vanilla ice cream... or on its own.
